Women’s March


The Women’s Wave: 3rd Annual Women’s March

On January 19, 2019, 700,000+ people flooded the streets of Washington, D.C. and cities across the globe. The #WomensWave is here, and we’re sweeping the world forward with us. this 3rd Anniversary of the women’s march on washington saw the launch of The Women’s Agenda — a progressive FEMINIST policy platform to guide ORGANIZING into 2020.


Power To The Polls

On January 21, 2018, Women’s March gathered in Las Vegas, Nevada for Women's March: Power to the Polls, a 20,000 persons event that launched a national voter registration tour one year after the historic Women’s March on Washington. This next stage of the movement will channel the energy and activism of the Women's March into tangible strategies and concrete wins in 2018: a women’s wave.

The national voter engagement tour will target swing states to register new voters, engage impacted communities, harness our collective energy to advocate for policies and candidates that reflect our values, and collaborate with our partners to elect more women and progressives candidates to office. The coordinated campaign will build upon Women’s March’s ongoing work uplifting the voices and campaigns of the nation’s most marginalized communities to create transformative social and political change.

For more information Huffington PostVanity FairUSA Today




The first in over 40 years, The Women’s Convention brought thousands of women, femmes and allies of all backgrounds to Detroit for a weekend of workshops, strategy sessions, inspiring forums and intersectional movement building to continue the preparation going into the 2018 midterm elections.

Tapping into the power of women in leadership as the fundamental, grassroots force for change, the Women’s Convention brought together first time activists and movement leaders, rising political stars that reflect our nation’s changing demographics, and thousands of women who’ve organized sister marches, huddles, rallies and resistance actions, large and small, since January 2017.

Participants will leave inspired and motivated, with new connections, skills and strategies for working towards collective liberation for women of all races, ethnicities, ages, disabilities, sexual identities, gender expressions, immigration statuses, religious faiths, and economic statuses.

The Women’s Convention is the beginning of a political groundswell, showing that the rise of the woman IS the rise of the nation.

For more information Huffington PostThe New York TimesCosmopolitan   




After the National Rifle Association released a divisive, dangerous video calling on their members to pick up arms against "the violent left," Tamika D. Mallory penned an open letter to the CEO of the NRA, calling for the video to be removed, an apology to to issued to the US American people, and for the organization - which claims itself the oldest civil rights organization in the country - to issue a statement on the behalf of Philando Castile, a black licensed gun owner shot and killed by a Minnesota police office on camera in front of his young daughter and girlfriend. 

This sparked a rally outside of NRA Headquarters in Virginia, followed by an 18.6 mile march for justice from the NRA to the Department of Justice in Washington, DC. Yacoob project managed the two-week rapid mobilization for the Women's March. 

For more information: CNNHuffington PostSlate.